February 8, 2021 (Mon)  |  By
Message from Professor Snezana Panovska,
President to the Jury for All Disciplines
Music Director, Persatuan Chopin Malaysia;

Dear Participants, Distinguished Jury Members, Teachers,

Our Virtual International Music Competition has officially come to completion.

On behalf of myself, the organizing committee, my dedicated team, I would like to express congratulations to all of you.

In this difficult period, when we have to face much challenges, music has been our great inspiration and the tremendous interest shown from every corner of the world for this Virtual International Music Competition 2020 - Malaysia confirmed that music transcends every obstacle, without limits and without borders.

Our distinguished jury members of great maestros and professors have supported us without hesitation, who have worked diligently to bring about the results. For this immense task, we are very grateful and respectfully accept their decision.
The jury helped to discover and uncover many amazing young and very talented musicians. I am certain that all the young talented participants will always remember their success and for many, who embrace this new experience, take their first steps into the great global music stage. This invaluable inspiration unlocks their potential for their future greater successes.

As in all competitions, every participant has put in their best of efforts in it, however, there will emerge the successful winners, who will be filled with joy and euphoria of such a rewarding experience. Also, tears and disappointment may overwhelm those did not quite make the mark, but let this not be a discouragement but be encouraged that there will be a next time, and another opportunity to do better. In general, we have noted, there was great energy from all participants, who to made this competition an outstanding global music event. Through the success of this event, Malaysia has become globally known as a country to support music at large and young music talents.

In every step in the process, our organizing team had faced many varied challenges, but we were united in one mind and spirit in resolving all issues, making sure that every entry will be pass through the jury to be judged. In gist, every participant was judged professionally.

We had received, surpassing our expectations, more than 600 entries from across 5 continents and 44 countries. The entries kept pouring in till 10 December 2020 and the judging process began from 12 December 2020. The jury and our team had worked tirelessly throughout the month of December 2020, and the Christmas holidays 2020 seemed to have gone past us rather quickly.

At this point in time, all results have been officially announced over our Facebook and Website. Soon, all candidates will each receive their personal Certificate for Participation and for the Winners, they will have Certificates of Commendation, as well as Prizes.

I would like, at this time, to express my gratitude to those who have contributed to the success of the Virtual International Music Competition – Malaysia 2020.
  1. Our distinguished jury members from 16 countries,
  2. Sunway University, Malaysia
  3. Yayasan Sime Darby, Malaysia,
  4. Yamaha Music Malaysia (M) Sdn Bhd
  5. Embassy of Republic of Poland to Malaysia,
  6. All members of our organizing team for their support, great organisation, untiring efforts, to make this competition a global success.
  7. Congratulations to all participants
  8. All winners
  9. Those who have done well, even though did not win any prizes.
This is a COMPETITION, and most importantly, we are driven by inspiration, our passion for music, which we are dedicated to. Competitions are not solely to win the prizes, awards or certificates! More than that, Competitions challenges us to do our best, and realise our best potential. The gratification of it all is to have done our best.
May the dreams of success become a reality whether it is for now or realising them in our future.

Your participation is carries much more than you can imagine. You are sharing the music that is in your heart, in your dreams and having the opportunity to share it with many others, in this case, with the world. With your music, you are building new friendships.
Your performances have been heard by great Maestros and Professors, from all over the world.
Your music crosses International borders and on this virtual platform, have been heard all over the world.
Your music becomes a special messenger of peace, humanity, respect, understanding and joy which all of us need in this world.

I like to say, “Thank you very much” to all young musicians with my heartfelt wish - NEVER STOP LOVING and RESPECTING MUSIC.

I wish you many successes in the future, many great performances and endless happiness, and joy with music.
We welcome all musicians, to join us in our future music events.
Let me assure you that we will always have a stage where you can share your music with us here in Malaysia.

With all my best wishes to all of you.

Professor Snezana Panovska
President to the Jury for all Disciplines
Music Director - Chopin Society Malaysia

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